
The Old Courthouse Inn

Hoteles, Accesibilidad

6243 Walnut St, Powell River, British Columbia, V8A 4K4

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The Old Courthouse Inn Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


Restroom In Public Area
  • Designated gender-neutral/family restroom that can also accommodate a support person
Accessible Guest Rooms
  • Rooms for guests using mobility devices
  • Accessible route to accessible rooms
  • Entry door is a minimum 815 mm wide
  • Easy pull or push door (max 22 newtons or 2.24 kilograms-force)
  • Lowered bed height (550-600 mm)
Accessible Guest Room Bathroom
  • Door is a minimum 815 mm wide
  • Roll-under sink minimum roll under height 684 mm
  • Fixed grab bars in shower


Overall Space
  • Audible alarm and/or public service system
  • Multiple lighting sources to improve visibility
  • Staff are available to accompany guests through the venue as a guide, and to describe the sights


Overall Space
  • Staff are trained to use alternative communication tools such as Apps or text messaging

Cognitive & Sensory Friendly

Overall Space
  • Neutral or muted colours that are calming and subdued
  • Surfaces, window coverings, and décor with minimal glare or reflection, as well as minimal use of bold patterns, shapes, or stripes
  • Subtle and/or natural lighting, no florescent or harsh lighting, and no dark shadows
  • Nonslip floor surfaces with minimal reflection
  • Door handles have colour contrast with the body of the door; doors and frames have colour contrast with adjacent walls; any glass doors are marked to make them clearly visible
  • Background noise is minimal, and alarms or auditory cues are on a low frequency
  • Staff are available to accompany guests through the venue as a guide, and to describe the sights
Signs & Navigation
  • Directional signs at key decision points, including main entrances, restrooms, lounges, and reception desks
  • Signs are clear and concise, in large, plain font with good contrast between text and background
  • Signs include both text and pictures to help indicate the use of different rooms
  • Signs are well lit
  • Signs have minimal glare or reflection
Restroom In Public Area
  • Designated gender-neutral/family restroom that can also accommodate a support person


Emergency Plan
  • Emergency plan includes staff trained to provide in-person assistance for people with cognitive disabilities
  • System in place for guests to contact a staff member for help if required
  • Emergency plan includes staff trained to provide in-person assistance for people with mobility, visual, and hearing requirements
Service Dogs
  • Staff have been trained on guide and service dog policies
  • Business has a dog relief area on site
High Speed Internet Service
  • Business has high-speed internet service available for video application use

Hotel guests can enjoy the unique charm and character of each of the 8 rooms. An eclectic mix of antiques and collectibles adorn the rooms and halls reminding guests of the days gone by. Enjoy a Free Brunch Monday – Sunday 9am-1pm at Edie Rae’s Cafe with your overnight stay. Our guests can also take comfort in the modern Amenities of today. We welcome you into our Unique Little Heritage Hotel.